worthier-title doctrine. 1.Hist. The common-law doctrine that if a beneficiary of a will would receive an identical interest as an heir under the laws of intestacy, the person takes the interest as an heir rather than as a beneficiary. • The doctrine has been abolished in most states. [Cases: Wills 713. C.J.S. Wills § 1639.] 2.Property. The doctrine that favors a grantor’s intent by construing a grant as a reversion in the grantor instead of as a remainder in the grantor’s heirs. — Also termed doctrine of worthier title. See REMAINDER; REVERSION. WORTHIEST OF BLOOD
worthiest of blood,n. Hist. Of or relating to males, because of the preference given them in
the laws of descent. See PRIMOGENITURE.
“Thus sons shall be admitted before daughters; or, as our male lawgivers have somewhat uncomplaisantly expressed it, the worthiest blood shall be preferred. As if John Stiles hath two sons, Matthew and Gilbert, and two daughters, Margaret and Charlotte, and dies; first Matthew, and (in case of his death without issue) then Gilbert shall be admitted to the succession in preference to both the daughters.” 2 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England 213 (1766).
[Blacks Law 8th]