URGENT! Dollar collapse on July 1st, 2014.
Ever since the privately owned Federal Reserve announced on September 13, 2012 that quantum easing will be unlimited, it is possible that the banking cartel is printing anywhere from $80 billion to $150 billion every month. Anyone with common sense knows what this is really about, and it to engineer a financial collapse so bad that it will cause mass chaos. We need to all stick together through these times coming up and help eachother out because this is going to be a very very hard hit to the UNITED STATES financial system. Now is the time to spread the word to friends, family and neighbors.
As a result of H.R. 2847, which will go into full force and effect on July 1st, 2014, the massive amounts of money that has been printed and loaned to the UNITED STATES at 0% interest is too high to even actually know until the Fed comes out with an announcement and gives out their numbers. But will Americans really believe the numbers that the Fed will come out with? Will we put up with this indentured servitude over the debts that the puppet politicians working for George Soros, Harry Ried, David Rockerfeller and other elite globalist reptilian snakes have conned us into?
This is a very beautiful time to be alive, let go of fear and stand up. God helps those who help themselves, so please everyone take all measures to prepare. Cut out your luxuries and start stocking up on survival food and non-GMO seeds, water filters and anything else you feel you need that can help you survive and thrive. But most important, coming together for one purpose as communities will help see us all through this because chaos does not have to happen like the parasitic scum have engineered this crisis want.
Google Search: “quantum easing unlimited”, “house bill to collapse dollar”, “H.R. 2847”
Download H.R. 2847 in PDF here. Will H.R. 2847 effect setting off debt? Please leave your comments below after you look over this bill. I will post updates after I read it over a few times, It’s only 48 pages courtesy of gpo.gov.