rule,n.1. Generally, an established and authoritative standard or principle; a general norm

mandating or guiding conduct or action in a given type of situation.

default rule.A legal principle that fills a gap in a contract in the absence of an applicable

express provision but remains subject to a contrary agreement. Cf. GAP-FILLER.

general rule.A rule applicable to a class of cases or circumstances.

mandatory rule.A legal rule that is not subject to contrary to contrary agreement. • For

example, the UCC obligation of good faith and fair dealing cannot be disclaimed.

peremptory rule.A court order that must be obeyed without an opportunity to respond. • No

objections may be lodged or arguments made.

special rule.See SPECIAL RULE(1).

2. A regulation governing a court’s or an agency’s internal procedures. [Cases: Administrative

Law and Procedure 381; Courts 85; Federal Civil Procedure 21. C.J.S. Courts § 130;

Evidence § 7; Public Administrative Law and Procedure§§ 87, 91.] 3.Parliamentary law. A

procedural rule (sense 1) for the orderly conduct of business in a deliberative assembly. — Also

termed rule of order (often pl.).

Cordon rule.See CORDON RULE.

joint rule.A rule adopted by both houses of a bicameral legislature for the conduct of business

or relations between them, such as when they meet in joint session, or for other matters in which

they share an interest. See joint session under SESSION(1).

ordinary standing rule.See standing rule (1).

Ramseyer rule.See RAMSEYER RULE.

special rule.1.SPECIAL RULE(2).2.SPECIAL RULE(3).

standing rule. 1. A rule that relates to an organization’s administration or operation rather than

to its procedure in meetings. • For example, a rule about the time and place of regular meetings, or

about a committee’s jurisdiction, is a standing rule. — Also termed ordinary standing rule. 2. A

special rule of continuing force. • Many conventions and other deliberative assemblies collect both

their administrative and procedural rules into a set titled “standing rules.” See SPECIAL


rule,vb.1. To command or require; to exert control <the dictator ruled the country>.2. To

decide a legal point <the court ruled on the issue of admissibility>.  [Blacks Law 8th]