retraction,n.1. The act of taking or drawing back <retraction of anticipatory repudiation

before breach of contract>.2. The act of recanting; a statement in recantation <retraction of a

defamatory remark>. [Cases: Libel and Slander 66. C.J.S. Libel and Slander; Injurious

Falsehood§ 195.] 3.Wills & estates. A withdrawal of a renunciation <because of her retraction, she

took property under her uncle’s will>. See RENUNCIATION(3).4.Copyright. The right of authors

and artists to renounce their creative works and to forbid their sale or display. • Retraction is one

of the moral rights of artists recognized in civil-law countries and much of Europe, but largely

unavailable in the United States. — Also termed (in sense 4) withdrawal. — retract,vb. [Blacks Law 8th]