residence. 1. The act or fact of living in a given place for some time <a year’s residence in

New Jersey>.2. The place where one actually lives, as distinguished from a domicile <she made

her residence in Oregon>. • Residence usu. just means bodily presence as an inhabitant in a given

place; domicile usu. requires bodily presence plus an intention to make the place one’s home. A

person thus may have more than one residence at a time but only one domicile. Sometimes,

though, the two terms are used synonymously. Cf. DOMICILE(2). [Cases: Domicile 2. C.J.S.

Domicile § 4.] 3. A house or other fixed abode; a dwelling <a three-story residence>.4. The place

where a corporation or other enterprise does business or is registered to do business <Pantheon

Inc.’s principal residence is in Delaware>. [Cases: Corporations 52, 503(1), 666. C.J.S.

Corporations §§ 107–109, 717, 886, 937, 948–949.]

habitual residence. 1.Family law. A person’s customary place of residence; esp., a child’s

customary place of residence before being removed to some other place. • The term, which

appears as an undefined term in the Hague Convention, is used in determining the country having

a presumed paramount interest in the child. 2.Copyright. An established place, esp. a country, in

which one lives for the long term, usu. without being a citizen of the place. • The Berne

Convention makes habitual residence an alternative to legal domicile in a member country to

qualify for copyright protection but leaves the exact definition of the term to member countries. [Blacks Law 8th]