representative,n.1. One who stands for or acts on behalf of another <the owner was the

football team’s representative at the labor negotiations>. See AGENT(2). [Cases: Principal and

Agent 1. C.J.S. Agency §§ 2, 4–6, 23, 25–27, 33, 38–40, 58; Architects§ 21.]

accredited representative.A person with designated authority to act on behalf of another

person, group, or organization, usu. by being granted that authority by law or by the rules of the

group or organization <as an officer of the union, she was the accredited representative of the

employees in the wage dispute>.

class representative.A person who sues on behalf of a group of plaintiffs in a class action. —

Also termed named plaintiff. See CLASS ACTION. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 164;

Parties 35.13. C.J.S. Parties §§ 31, 34.]

independent personal representative.See personal representative.

lawful representative. 1. A legal heir. 2. An executor, administrator, or other legal

representative. — Also termed legal representative. See personal representative. [Cases: Executors

and Administrators 14–18. C.J.S. Executors and Administrators §§ 17–32, 34–49.]

legal–personal representative. 1. When used by a testator referring to personal property, an

executor or administrator. [Cases: Executors and Administrators 14–18. C.J.S. Executors and

Administrators §§ 17–32, 34–49.] 2. When used by a testator referring to real property, one to

whom the real estate passes immediately upon the testator’s death. 3. When used concerning the

death of a mariner at sea, the public administrator, executor, or appointed administrator in the

seaman’s state of residence.

legal representative.1. See lawful representative. 2. See personal representative.

personal representative.A person who manages the legal affairs of another because of

incapacity or death, such as the executor of an estate. • Technically, while an executor is a personal

representative named in a will, an administrator is a personal representative not named in a will.

— Also termed independent personal representative; legal representative. [Cases: Executors and

Administrators 14–18. C.J.S. Executors and Administrators §§ 17–32, 34–49.]

registered representative.A person approved by the SEC and stock exchanges to sell

securities to the public. — Formerly also termed customer’s man; customer’s person. [Cases:

Securities Regulation 40.12–40.14. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 157–160, 165.]

  1. A member of a legislature, esp. of the lower house <one senator and one representative

attended the rally>. [Cases: States 28. C.J.S. States § 42.] — Abbr. rep.

[Blacks Law 8th]