report,n.1. A formal oral or written presentation of facts or a recommendation for action

<according to the treasurer’s report, there is $300 in the bank>.

committee report.Parliamentary law. A report from a committee to a deliberative assembly on

business referred to the committee or on a matter otherwise under its charge.

informational report.Parliamentary law. A report without a recommendation for action.

insider report.Securities. A monthly report that must be filed with the SEC when more than

10% of a company’s stock is traded.

majority report.Parliamentary law. A committee report, as distinguished from a minority

report. See committee report. Cf. minority report.

minority report.Parliamentary law. A report by a member or members who dissent from a

committee report, setting forth their views, and sometimes proposing an alternative

recommendation. • Some organizations require that a minority must reach a certain size (or obtain

permission) before it can file a report. A typical minimum is one-fourth of the committee’s

members, which guarantees that not more than one minority report will result.

officer’s report.Parliamentary law. A report from an officer to an organization or deliberative

assembly on business relating to the officer’s duties or on a matter otherwise under the officer’s


report with recommendation.Parliamentary law. A report accompanied by a recommendation

for action.

  1. A written account of a court proceeding and judicial decision <the law clerk sent the court’s

report to counsel for both sides>. [Cases: Courts 103. C.J.S. Courts §§ 170, 173–174, 176.] 3.

(usu. pl.) A published volume of judicial decisions by a particular court or group of courts <U.S.

Reports>. • Generally, these decisions are first printed in temporary paperback volumes, and then

printed in hardbound reporter volumes. Law reports may be either official (published by a

government entity) or unofficial (published by a private publisher). Court citations frequently

include the names of both the official and unofficial reports. — Also termed reporter; law report;

law reporter. Cf. ADVANCE SHEETS. [Cases: Courts 103; Reports 3. C.J.S. Courts §§ 170,

173–174, 176; Reports §§ 10–13.]

official report.(usu. pl.) The governmentally approved set of reported cases within a given

jurisdiction. [Cases: Courts 103; Reports 1. C.J.S. Courts §§ 170, 173–174, 176; Reports §§


“[I]t may justly be said that all reports are in a sense ‘official,’ or that to use the term ‘official

reports’ as referring to any particular series of reports is a misnomer, for it is certainly misleading.

The mere fact that each state authorizes or requires publication of reports of its Supreme Court

decisions, and, to insure such publication, agrees to purchase a stated number of each volume of

the reports, cannot be said to give such a series pre-eminence as an ‘official’ publication.” William

  1. Lile et al., Brief Making and the Use of Law Books 33 (3d ed. 1914).
  2. (usu. pl.) A collection of administrative decisions by one or more administrative agencies.

[Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 507.C.J.S. Public Administrative Law and Procedure

  • § 151, 157.] 5.MINUTES (2). — Abbr. rep. — report,vb. [Blacks Law 8th]