recess (ree-ses), n.1. A brief break in judicial proceedings <the court granted a fifteen-minute

recess so the attorney and plaintiff could confer>. Cf. CONTINUANCE(3). [Cases: Criminal Law

649; Trial 26.C.J.S. Criminal Law § 1155; Trial§ 113.] 2.Parliamentary law. A motion that

suspends but does not end a meeting, and that usu. provides for resumption of the meeting <the

meeting had a 15-minute recess>. • The motion to recess, which merely suspends the meeting,

differs from the motion to adjourn, which ends the meeting. Cf. ADJOURN. [Cases: United States

  1. C.J.S. United States §§ 29, 31.] 3.Parliamentary law. The interval between such a motion’s

adoption and the meeting’s reconvening < Congress took a monthlong recess>. — recess (ri-ses),

  1. [Blacks Law 8th]