reasonable accommodation. 1. An action taken to adapt or adjust for a disabled person, done

in a way that does not impose an undue hardship on the party taking the action. • Under the

Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer must make reasonable accommodations for an

employee’s disability. Examples of reasonable accommodations that have been approved by the

courts include providing additional unpaid leave, modifying the employee’s work schedule, and

reassigning the employee to a more appropriate, vacant position. [Cases: Civil Rights 1020,

  1. C.J.S. Civil Rights §§ 4–5, 8, 13, 62–63.] 2. An action taken to adapt or adjust for an

employee’s religious need or practice, done in a way that does not impose an undue hardship on

the employer. See HARDSHIP. [Cases: Civil Rights 1162.C.J.S. Civil Rights §§ 35, 88.] [Blacks Law 8th]