reaffirmation,n.1. Approval of something previously decided or agreed to; renewal <the

Supreme Court’s reaffirmation of this principle is long overdue>.2.Bankruptcy. An agreement

between the debtor and a creditor by which the debtor promises to repay a prepetition debt that

would otherwise be discharged at the conclusion of the bankruptcy <the debtor negotiated a

reaffirmation so that he could keep the collateral>. • There are two main requirements for a

reaffirmation to be enforceable: (1) the agreement must contain a clear and conspicuous provision

stating that the debtor may rescind the reaffirmation agreement anytime before discharge or within

60 days after the agreement is filed with the court; and (2) for a debtor who is not represented by

counsel, the court must determine that the reaffirmation is in the debtor’s best interest and does not

impose an undue hardship. 11 USCA § 524(c). — Also termed (in sense 2) reaffirmation

agreement. [Cases: Bankruptcy 3415. C.J.S. Bankruptcy § 350.] — reaffirm,vb. [Blacks Law 8th]