quota. 1. A proportional share assigned to a person or group; an allotment <the university’s
admission standards included a quota for in-state residents>. [Cases: Colleges and Universities
9.15. C.J.S. Colleges and Universities § 30.] 2. A quantitative restriction; a minimum or maximum
number <Faldo met his sales quota for the month>.
export quota.A restriction on the products that can be sold to foreign countries. • In the
United States, export quotas can be established by the federal government for various purposes,
including national defense, price support, and economic stability.
import quota.A restriction on the volume of a certain product that can be brought into the
country from a foreign country. • In the United States, the President may establish a quota on an
item that poses a threat of serious injury to a domestic industry. [Blacks Law 8th]