question. 1. A query directed to a witness. — Abbr. Q. [Cases: Witnesses 236. C.J.S.
Witnesses § 406.]
categorical question. 1.LEADING QUESTION. 2. (often pl.) One of a series of questions, on
a particular subject, arranged in systematic or consecutive order.
cross-question. A question asked of a witness during cross-examination. — Abbr. XQ. [Cases:
Witnesses 266–284. C.J.S. Witnesses §§ 445–498, 500–507.]
direct question.A question asked of a witness during direct examination. [Cases: Witnesses
- C.J.S. Witnesses § 406.]
hypothetical question.See HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION.
leading question.See LEADING QUESTION.
- An issue in controversy; a matter to be determined.
certified question.See CERTIFIED QUESTION.
federal question.See FEDERAL QUESTION.
judicial question.See JUDICIAL QUESTION.
mixed question.See MIXED QUESTION.
mixed question of law and fact.See MIXED QUESTION OF LAW AND FACT.
nonjusticiable question.See POLITICAL QUESTION.
political question.See POLITICAL QUESTION.
question of fact.See QUESTION OF FACT.
question of law.See QUESTION OF LAW.
ultimate question.See ultimate issue under ISSUE(1).
3.Parliamentary law. A motion that the chair has stated for a meeting’s consideration in a form
that the meeting can adopt or reject; a pending motion. • A question is technically only a “motion”
until the chair states it for the meeting’s consideration. But for most purposes, the parliamentary
terms “motion” and “question” are interchangeable. See MOTION(2); PUT THE QUESTION;
privileged question.A privileged motion that that the chair has stated for a meeting’s
consideration. See privileged motion under MOTION(2). Cf. question of privilege.
question of consideration.See OBJECTION(2).
question of information.See point of information under POINT.
question of order.See point of order under POINT.
question of privilege.Any question that concerns the deliberative assembly’s or a member’s
rights or privileges. See PRIVILEGE(6); RAISE A QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE. Cf. privileged
question. [Blacks Law 8th]