persona (p<<schwa>>r-soh-n<<schwa>>), n.[Latin] Roman law. A person; an individual human being.
persona designata (p<<schwa>>r-soh-n<<schwa>> dez-ig-nay-t<<schwa>>). [Latin] A person considered as an individual (esp. in a legal action) rather than as a member of a class.
persona dignior (p<<schwa>>r-soh-n<<schwa>> dig-nee-or). [Latin] Hist. The more worthy or respectable person; the more fitting person.
persona ficta (p<<schwa>>r-soh-n<<schwa>> fik-t<<schwa>>). [Latin “false mask”] Hist. A fictional person, such as a corporation.
“But units other than individual men can be thought of as capable of acts, or of rights and liabilities: such are Corporations and even Hereditates Iacentes. Accordingly the way is clear to apply the name of person to these also. The mediaeval lawyers did so, but as they regarded Corporations as endowed with personality by a sort of creative act of the State, and received from the Roman lawyers the conception of the hereditas iacens as representing the persona of the deceased rather than as itself being a person, they called these things Personae Fictae, an expression not used by the Romans.” W.W. Buckland, Elementary Principles of the Roman Private Law 16 (1912).
persona grata. See PERSONA GRATA.
persona illustris (p<<schwa>>r-soh-n<<schwa>> i-l<<schwa>>s-tris). [Latin] Hist. A person of distinction.
persona miserabilis (p<<schwa>>r-soh-n<<schwa>> miz-<<schwa>>-rab-<<schwa>>-lis). [Latin “a pitiable person”] Roman law. An unfortunate person, esp. because of age, illness, or status. • A persona miserabilis received certain privileges in litigation.
persona moralis (p<<schwa>>r-soh-n<<schwa>> m<<schwa>>-ray-lis). [Latin] A collective entity that, by law or custom, is recognized as an artificial person (e.g., a church or corporation). See artificial person under PERSON(2).
persona nasciturus (p<<schwa>>r-soh-n<<schwa>> nas-<<schwa>>-t[y]oor-<< schwa>>s or -t[y]<<schwa>>r-<<schwa>>s). [fr. Latin nascor “to be born”] Roman law. An unborn child. — Sometimes shortened to nasciturus.
persona non grata. See PERSONA NON GRATA.
persona praedilecta (p<<schwa>>r-soh-n<<schwa>> pree-d<<schwa>>-lek-t<< schwa>>). [Law Latin] Scots law. A preferred person.
“This phrase signifies one person who, among others appointed with him as colleagues in some office, enjoys the confidence and esteem of the person appointing, more than those appointed with him. Thus a testator not unfrequently appoints among his trustees one who shall be a sine qua non — that is, one whose concurrence and consent shall be indispensable to every act of administration under the trust. Such a trustee falls within the description of a persona praedilecta.” John Trayner, Trayner’s Latin Maxims 456 (4th ed. 1894).
persona standi in judicio. See PERSONA STANDI IN JUDICIO.
[Blacks Law 8th]