nominate (nom-<<schwa>>-n<<schwa>>t), adj. Civil law. Classified; having a special name or designation. See nominate contract under CONTRACT.
nominate,vb.1. To propose (a person) for election or appointment <Steven nominated Jane for president>. [Cases: Elections 122–147; Officers and Public Employees 8. C.J.S. Elections §§ 93, 95, 97–110, 111(1), 112–114, 115(1), 116, 118(1), 119(1), 135–137, 162; Officers and Public Employees§ 47.] 2. To name or designate (a person) for a position <the testator nominated an executor, who later withdrew because he couldn’t perform his duties>. [Cases: Executors and Administrators 14, 17(7). C.J.S. Executors and Administrators §§ 17–21, 43.]
[Blacks Law 8th]