grant,n.1. An agreement that creates a right of any description other than the one held by the

grantor. • Examples include leases, easements, charges, patents, franchises, powers, and licenses. 2.

The formal transfer of real prop-erty. [Cases: Deeds 3. C.J.S. Deeds §§ 1–8.] 3. The document

by which a transfer is effected; esp., DEED. 4. The property or property right so transferred.

community grant.A grant of real property made by a government (or sometimes by an

individual) for communal use, to be held in common with no right to sell. • A community grant

may set out specific, communal uses for the property, such as for grazing animals or a playground.

Cf. private grant.

escheat grant.A government’s grant of escheated land to a new owner. — Also termed escheat


imperfect grant. 1. A grant that requires the grantor to do something before the title passes to

another. Cf. perfect grant. 2. A grant that does not convey all rights and complete title against both

private persons and government, so that the granting person or political authority may later

disavow the grant. See Paschal v. Perex, 7 Tex. 368 (1851).

inclusive grant.A deed or grant that describes the boundaries of the land conveyed and

excepts certain parcels within those boundaries from the conveyance, usu. because those parcels

of land are owned or claimed by others. — Also termed inclusive deed.

office grant.A grant made by a legal officer because the owner is either unwilling or unable to

execute a deed to pass title, as in the case of a tax deed. See tax deed under DEED.

perfect grant.A grant for which the grantor has done everything required to pass a complete

title, and the grantee has done everything required to receive and enjoy the property in fee. Cf.

imperfect grant (1). private grant.A grant of real property made to an individual for his or her private use,

including the right to sell it. • Private grants made by a government are often found in the chains

of title for land outside the original 13 states, esp. in former Spanish and Mexican possessions. Cf.

community grant.

5.Int’l law. SUBSIDY(1).

grant,vb.1. To give or confer (something), with or without compensation <the parents granted

the car to their daughter on her 16th birthday>.2. To formally transfer (real property) by deed or

other writing <the Lewisons granted the townhouse to the Bufords>. [Cases: Deeds 3. C.J.S.

Deeds §§ 1–8.] 3. To permit or agree to <the press secretary granted the reporter access to the

Oval Office>.4. To approve, warrant, or order (a request, motion, etc.) <the court granted the

continuance>.5.Int’l law. SUBSIDY(1). [Blacks Law 8th]