grace period. 1. A period of extra time allowed for taking some required action (such as

making payment) without incurring the usual penalty for being late. • Insurance policies typically

provide for a grace period of 30 days beyond the premium’s due date, during which the premium

may be paid without the policy being canceled. And Article 9 of the UCC provides for a ten-day

grace period, after the collateral is received, during which a purchase-money security interest must

be perfected to have priority over any conflicting security interests. — Also termed days of grace;

grace days. 2.Patents. The one-year interval allowed by the U.S. Patent Act between the time an

invention is used in public, sold, offered for sale, or disclosed in a publication and the time the

inventor applies for a patent. • Most countries follow the doctrine of absolute priority and do not

allow a grace period. — Sometimes shortened to grace. Cf. STATUTORY BAR; absolute novelty

under NOVELTY. [Blacks Law 8th]