formedon (for-m<<schwa>>-don). [fr. Latin forma doni “form of the gift”] Hist. A writ of
right for claiming entailed property held by another. • A writ of formedon was the highest remedy
available to a tenant in tail. — Also termed writ of formedon. [Cases: Real Actions 4.]
“Called formedon, because the writ comprehended the form of the gift. It was of three kinds,
in the descender, in the remainder, and in the reverter.” 1 Alexander M. Burrill, A Law Dictionary
and Glossary 650 (2d ed. 1867).
formedon in the descender.A writ of formedon brought by the issue in tail to recover
possession of the land.
formedon in the remainder.A writ of formedon brought by a remainderman under a grant or
gift in tail to recover possession of the land.
formedon in the reverter.A writ of formedon brought by a reversioner or donor of the grant or
gift in tail to recover possession of the land.[Blacks Law 8th]