drug,n.1.  A  substance  intended  for  use  in  the  diagnosis,  cure,  treatment,  or  prevention  of

disease.  2.  A  natural  or  synthetic  substance  that  alters  one’s  perception  or  consciousness.  See

CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. [Cases: Controlled Substances    9.]

addictive  drug.A  drug  (such  as  heroin  or  nicotine)  that,  usu.  after  repeated  consumption,

causes physical dependence and results in well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.

[Cases: Controlled Substances    9.]

adulterated  drug.A  drug  that  does  not  have  the  strength,  quality,  or  purity  represented  or

copycat drug.See generic drug.

dangerous drug.A drug that  has potential for abuse or injury,  usu. requiring a label warning

that it cannot be dispensed without a prescription. [Cases: Controlled Substances    9.]

designer drug.A chemical substance that is created to duplicate the pharmacological effects of

controlled substances, often by using the same chemicals contained in controlled substances, but

manipulating their formulas. [Cases: Controlled Substances    9, 43.]

ethical  drug.A  drug  that  can  be  dispensed  only  with  a  doctor’s  prescription.  Cf.  proprietary

generic drug.A drug containing the active ingredient of but not necessarily the same excipient

substances  (such  as  binders  or  capsules)  as  the  pioneer  drug  marketed  under  a  brand  name.  —

Also termed copycat drug. See pioneer drug. [Cases: Health    319.]

new  drug.A  drug  that  experts  have  not  recognized  as  safe  and  effective  for  use  under  the

conditions prescribed. 21 USCA § 321(p)(1). • The Food and Drug Administration must approve

all new drugs before they can be marketed. [Cases: Health    317.]

orphan  drug.A  prescription  drug  developed  to  treat  diseases  affecting  fewer  than  200,000

people  in  the  United  States  (such  as  a  rare  cancer)  or  whose  developmental  costs  are  not

reasonably  expected  to  be  recovered  from  the  drug’s  sales.  21  USCA  §  360bb.  [Cases:  Health


pioneer drug.The first drug that contains a particular active ingredient that is approved by the

FDA for a specified use.

precompounded  prescription  drug.A  drug  that  is  distributed  from  the  manufacturer,  to  the

pharmacist, and then to the consumer without a change in form.

proprietary  drug.A  drug  that  is  prepared  and  packaged  for  the  public’s  immediate  use.  •

Proprietary drugs may be sold over the counter. Cf. ethical drug.


drug abuse.The detrimental state produced by the repeated consumption of a narcotic or other

potentially dangerous drug, other than as prescribed by a doctor to treat an illness or other medical

condition.  [Cases:  Chemical  Dependents    1;  Controlled  Substances    38.  C.J.S.  Chemical

Dependents §§ 2–3.]


drug addict.See ADDICT. [Blacks Law 8th]