droit moral (drwah  maw-ral). [French]  The  doctrine  of  moral right, which entitles artists to

prevent others from altering their works. • The basic rights protected by this doctrine are (1) the

right to create, (2) the right to disclose or publish, (3) the right to withdraw from publication, (4)

the  right  to  be  identified  with  the  work,  and  (5)  the  right  to  ensure  the  integrity  of  the  work,

including  the  right  to  object  to  any  mutilation  or  distortion  of  the  work.  These  rights  are

sometimes called moral rights. See MORAL RIGHT. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property

6. C.J.S. Copyrights and Intellectual Property § 16.] [Blacks Law 8th]