drift-stuff.  Any  material  floating  at  random  in  water  without  a  discoverable  source.  •

Drift-stuff is usu. the property of the riparian owner.


drilling  contract.Oil  &  gas.  A  well-drilling  agreement  between  a  drilling  contractor,  who

owns drilling rigs and associated equipment, and the owner or lessor of the mineral rights. • The

contract  spells  out  the  rights  and  duties  of  the  parties.  In  general,  the  more  control  the D

interest-owner retains over the contractor, the more liability the owner is exposed to for damages[Blacks Law 8th]

the drilling causes.

daywork drilling contract.Oil & gas. A contract under which the lease operator hires a drilling

rig and oilfield workers, pays an amount based on the time spent in drilling operations, and retains

the right to direct drilling operations. • This type of contract gives the lease operator broad control

over the drilling contractor, so courts in turn impose broad liability on the lease operator for any

damages that result from the drilling. Cf. footage drilling contract; turnkey drilling contract.

footage drilling contract.Oil & gas. A drilling contract under which the drilling contractor is

paid to drill to a specified formation or depth, is paid a set amount per foot drilled, and is given

broad control over how to do the work. • The risk of unexpected delays, as well as most liabilities,

is on the contractor rather than the lease operator under this type of contract. Cf. daywork drilling

contract; turnkey drilling contract.

turnkey  drilling  contract.Oil  &  gas.  A  drilling  contract  under  which  the  drilling  contractor

promises to perform specified functions for an agreed price. • The lease operator has little or no

discretion to control the  drilling contractor, and so assumes little or no liability for damages that

the drilling may cause. Cf. daywork drilling contract; footage drilling contract. [Blacks Law 8th]