draft,n.1. An unconditional written order signed by one person (the drawer) directing another

person (the drawee or payor) to pay a certain sum of money on demand or at a definite time to a

third person (the payee) or to bearer. • A check is the most common example of a draft. — Also

termed bill of exchange; letter of exchange. Cf. NOTE(1). [Cases: Banks and Banking    137, 189;

Bills and Notes    1–27. C.J.S. Banks and Banking §§ 328, 330, 452–458; Bills and Notes; Letters

of Credit §§ 2–6, 8–10, 12–22, 203–204, 250.]

bank draft.A draft drawn by one financial institution on another. [Cases: Banks and Banking

189. C.J.S. Banks and Banking §§ 452–458.]

clean draft.A draft with no shipping documents attached.

demand draft.See sight draft.

documentary  draft.A  payment  demand  conditioned  on the presentation  of a document, such

as  a  document  of  title,  invoice,  certificate,  or  notice  of  default.  [Cases:  Banks  and  Banking

161(1). C.J.S. Banks and Banking §§ 317, 319, 327, 385–386, 388–392, 407, 409–410, 414.]

export draft.A draft drawn by a domestic seller on a foreign buyer, directing the buyer to pay

the trade amount to the seller or the seller’s bank.

foreign  draft.A  draft  drawn  in  one  country  or  state  but  payable in  another.  —  Also  termed

foreign bill of exchange; international bill of exchange. [Cases: Bills and Notes    13. C.J.S. Bills

and Notes; Letters of Credit § 5.]

inland draft.A draft drawn and payable in the same state or country. [Cases: Bills and Notes

13. C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit § 5.]

overdraft. See OVERDRAFT.

share draft.A demand that a member draws against a credit-union share account, payable to a

third  party.  • A  share  draft is similar  to  a  check  that  is  written  to  draw  funds  out  of  a  checking

account  at  a  bank.  [Cases:  Building  and  Loan  Associations    24,  40.  C.J.S.  Building  and  Loan

Associations, Savings and Loan Associations, and Credit Unions §§ 4, 11, 18–19, 66–69, 71–79.]

sight  draft.A  draft  that  is  payable  on  the  bearer’s  demand  or  on  proper  presentment  to  the

drawer.  —  Also  termed  demand  draft. [Cases:  Bills  and  Notes    129(3).  C.J.S. Bills  and  Notes;

Letters of Credit§ 90.]

time draft.A draft that contains a specified payment date. UCC § 3-108. — Also termed time

trade  draft.A  draft  that  instructs  a  commercial  enterprise  or  its  agent  to  pay  the  amount


2.  The  compulsory  enlistment  of  persons into  military  service <his illness  disqualified  him

from the draft>. — Also termed conscription; military draft. [Cases: Armed Services    20. C.J.S.

Armed Services § 47.] 3. An initial or preliminary version <the second draft of the contract>.

draft,vb.1.  To  write  or  compose  <to  draft a  contract>.2.  To  recruit  or  select  (someone)  <to

draft someone to run for political office> <to draft someone into the armed services>. [Blacks Law 8th]