dominus  (dom-<<schwa>>-n<<schwa>>s),  n.[Latin  “lord”]  1.Roman  law.  An  owner  of  a

thing  or inheritance. 2.Roman law.  The title of the emperor in the later empire. 3.Hist. A lord; a

feudal  superior,  as  in  dominus  rex  (“the  lord  of  the  king”),  dominus  capitalis  (“a  chief  lord”),

dominus medius (“an intermediate lord”), and dominus ligius (“a liege lord”).4.Hist. Eccles. law.

Lord; sir. • This is a title of distinction usu. given to a knight, a clergyman, a lord of a manor, or

another gentleman of quality. 5.Civil law. Someone who possesses something by right. Pl. domini. [Blacks Law 8th]