docket,n.1. A formal record in which a judge or court clerk briefly notes all the proceedings

and  filings  in  a  court  case  <review  the  docket  to  determine  the  filing  date>.  —  Also  termed

judicial  record; bench  docket;  docket sheet. [Cases:  Appeal  and  Error    493–543; Criminal  Law

1086.1–1088.20. C.J.S. Appeal and Error §§ 440–457; Criminal Law § 1688; Justices of the Peace

§ 236.]

appearance docket.A list of the parties and lawyers participating in an action, together with a

brief  abstract  of  the  successive  steps  in  the  action.  [Cases:  Appearance    5;  Federal  Civil

Procedure    561. C.J.S. Appearances § 17.]

judgment docket.A book that a court clerk keeps for the entry  or recordation  of judgments,

giving  official  notice  of  existing  judgment  liens  to  interested  parties.  —  Also  termed  judgment

book;  judgment  file;  judgment  record;  judgment  roll.  [Cases:  Judgment    277,  284.  C.J.S.

Judgments §§ 130, 132.]

2. A schedule of pending cases <the case is third on Monday’s trial docket>. — Also termed

court calendar; cause list; trial calendar. [Cases: Criminal Law    632(2); Federal Civil Procedure

1991; Trial    9(1). C.J.S. Criminal Law § 1144; Trial §§ 61–62, 79.]

DWOP  docket.A  list  of  cases  that  the  court  has  set  for  possible  dismissal  for  want  of

prosecution. — Also termed doowop docket; DLOP docket. See dismissal for want of prosecution

under DISMISSAL(1).

preferred docket.A list of cases set for trial, arranged in order of priority. • Criminal cases are,

for  example, generally given  precedence over civil cases on the  preferred  docket because  of the

constitutional  right to  a  speedy  trial.  [Cases:  Criminal  Law    632(2);  Trial    13.  C.J.S. Criminal

Law § 1144; Trial §§ 77, 81–90.]

3.DOCKET CALL <the agreed judgment was signed at the court’s uncontested docket call on

May  24>.4.Parliamentary  law.  A  list  of  each  motion,  report,  election,  and  other  business  that

awaits  a  deliberative  assembly’s  consideration,  from  which  a  board  or  officer  prepares  and

circulates  an  agenda  for  each  meeting  or  for  a  series  of  upcoming  meetings  <in  planning  the

meeting, the chair worked from an exhaustive docket>. See AGENDA. 5. A written abstract that

provides specific information (usu. about something attached); esp., a label <check the docket to

determine the goods’ destination and  value>.6.Hist. A notary’s attestation at the end  of a deed  or

other instrument; esp., the attestation at the end of an instrument of seisin. — Also spelled docquet.


docket,vb.1. To make a brief entry in the docket of the proceedings and filings in a court case

<to  docket  the  filing  date>.2.  To  abstract  and  enter  in  a  book  <to  docket  a  judgment>.3.  To

schedule (a case) for trial or some other event <the case was docketed for a May trial>.

docket,n.1. A formal record in which a judge or court clerk briefly notes all the proceedings

and  filings  in  a  court  case  <review  the  docket  to  determine  the  filing  date>.  —  Also  termed

judicial  record; bench  docket;  docket sheet. [Cases:  Appeal  and  Error    493–543; Criminal  Law

1086.1–1088.20. C.J.S. Appeal and Error §§ 440–457; Criminal Law § 1688; Justices of the Peace

§ 236.]

appearance docket.A list of the parties and lawyers participating in an action, together with a

brief  abstract  of  the  successive  steps  in  the  action.  [Cases:  Appearance    5;  Federal  Civil

Procedure    561. C.J.S. Appearances § 17.]

judgment docket.A book that a court clerk keeps for the entry  or recordation  of judgments,

giving  official  notice  of  existing  judgment  liens  to  interested  parties.  —  Also  termed  judgment

book;  judgment  file;  judgment  record;  judgment  roll.  [Cases:  Judgment    277,  284.  C.J.S.

Judgments §§ 130, 132.]

2. A schedule of pending cases <the case is third on Monday’s trial docket>. — Also termed

court calendar; cause list; trial calendar. [Cases: Criminal Law    632(2); Federal Civil Procedure

1991; Trial    9(1). C.J.S. Criminal Law § 1144; Trial §§ 61–62, 79.]

DWOP  docket.A  list  of  cases  that  the  court  has  set  for  possible  dismissal  for  want  of

prosecution. — Also termed doowop docket; DLOP docket. See dismissal for want of prosecution

under DISMISSAL(1).

preferred docket.A list of cases set for trial, arranged in order of priority. • Criminal cases are,

for  example, generally given  precedence over civil cases on the  preferred  docket because  of the

constitutional  right to  a  speedy  trial.  [Cases:  Criminal  Law    632(2);  Trial    13.  C.J.S. Criminal

Law § 1144; Trial §§ 77, 81–90.]

3.DOCKET CALL <the agreed judgment was signed at the court’s uncontested docket call on

May  24>.4.Parliamentary  law.  A  list  of  each  motion,  report,  election,  and  other  business  that

awaits  a  deliberative  assembly’s  consideration,  from  which  a  board  or  officer  prepares  and

circulates  an  agenda  for  each  meeting  or  for  a  series  of  upcoming  meetings  <in  planning  the

meeting, the chair worked from an exhaustive docket>. See AGENDA. 5. A written abstract that

provides specific information (usu. about something attached); esp., a label <check the docket to

determine the goods’ destination and  value>.6.Hist. A notary’s attestation at the end  of a deed  or

other instrument; esp., the attestation at the end of an instrument of seisin. — Also spelled docquet.


docket,vb.1. To make a brief entry in the docket of the proceedings and filings in a court case

<to  docket  the  filing  date>.2.  To  abstract  and  enter  in  a  book  <to  docket  a  judgment>.3.  To

schedule (a case) for trial or some other event <the case was docketed for a May trial>.[Blacks Law 8th]