description.  1.  A  delineation  or  explanation  of  something  by  an  account  setting  forth  the

subject’s  characteristics or  qualities <description  of  a  patentable  process>.2.  A  representation  by

words  or  drawing  of  something  seen  or  heard  or  otherwise  experienced  <description  of  the

criminal> <description of the accident>.3. An enumeration or specific identification of something

<  description  of  items  in  the  estate>.4.LEGAL  DESCRIPTION.  5.Patents.  In  a  U.S.  patent

application,  the  section  that  (1)  comprehensively  characterizes  the  invention  in  language  that  is

clear  and  complete  enough  to  enable  anyone  skilled  in  the  relevant  art  to  make  and  use  the

invention; (2) explains the best mode for using the invention; and (3) usu. includes an explanation

of  drawings  that  are  part  of  the  application.  •  The  detailed  description  typically  makes  up  the

largest portion of the application’s specification. — Also termed (in sense 5) enabling disclosure;

enabling requirement; written description. [Cases: Patents    99. C.J.S. Patents § 139.] [Blacks Law 8th]