chamber,n.1. A room or compartment <gas chamber>.2. A legislative or judicial body or other deliberative assembly <chamber of commerce>.3. The hall or room where such a body conducts business <the senate chamber>. — chamber,adj.judge’s chamber.(usu. pl.) 1. The private room or office of a judge. 2. Any place where a judge transacts official business when not holding a session of the court. See IN CAMERA. [Cases: Judges  27. C.J.S. Judges § 58.]lower chamber.In a bicameral legislature, the larger of the two legislative bodies, such as the House of Repre-sentatives or the House of Commons. [Cases: States  26. C.J.S. States § 40.] Star Chamber.See STAR CHAMBER. upper chamber.In a bicameral legislature, the smaller of the two legislative bodies, such as the Senate or the House of Lords. chamber,vb. Slang. (Of a judge) to sit in one’s chambers at a given location < Chief Judge Kaye chambers sometimes in New York City and sometimes in Albany>. [Blacks Law 8th]