calendar,n.1. A systematized ordering of time into years, months, weeks, and days; esp., the Gregorian calendar established by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and adopted in Great Britain in 1752. • The Gregorian calendar is used throughout the Western world. [Cases: Time  1. C.J.S.Time § 2.]

Gregorian calendar.See NEW STYLE.

Julian calendar.See OLD STYLE.

  1. A court’s list of civil or criminal cases. [Cases: Criminal Law  632(2); Trial  9. C.J.S.

Criminal Law § 1144; Trial § 60.] court calendar.See COURT CALENDAR.

short-cause calendar.A trial calendar on which a short-cause trial may be scheduled for the 10th day after the opposing party is given notice. • The request for scheduling must include an affidavit that the trial will take no longer than a certain specified period (e.g., an hour). special calendar.A calendar marked with court cases that have been specially set for hearing

or trial. See special setting under SETTING. [Cases: Trial  13. C.J.S. Trial §§ 77, 81–90.] trial calendar.See DOCKET(2).

  1. A list of bills reported out of a legislative committee for consideration by the entire legislature. 4.Parliamentary law. AGENDA. — Also termed calendar of business.

action calendar.The list of business awaiting a deliberative assembly’s vote. — Also termed

action agenda.

consent calendar.A list of business awaiting a deliberative assembly’s vote that is not expected to be substantially opposed and is therefore scheduled for a vote without debate, or for automatic adoption unless a member objects. — Also termed consent agenda; unanimous-consent agenda; unanimous-consent calendar.

“An assembly with a large number of routine or noncontroversial matters on its agenda may find it not only convenient but expeditious to consider these matters under unanimous consent procedure. This gives every member an opportunity to object. At the same time, it gives the presiding officer an opportunity to dispose of a great deal of the agenda confronting the assembly quickly and efficiently, particularly when it would be most helpful to the assembly to get its job done. This can even be done by taking en bloc action (that is, disposing of various items at the same time without taking separate consideration of them) when matters are not controversial or are of minor importance to the assembly, though every member has the right to object.” Floyd M. Riddick & Miriam H. Butcher, Riddick’s Rules of Procedure 56 (1985).

debate calendar.The list of business that is awaiting a deliberative assembly’s vote and that is

not on the consent calendar. — Also termed debate agenda.

report calendar.The list of business coming before a deliberative assembly for information only rather than for its vote. • An item on the report calendar may be the subject of a vote in the future. — Also termed report agenda.

special-order calendar.The list of business scheduled as special orders. — Also termed

special-order agenda. See special order under ORDER(4).

unanimous-consent calendar.See consent calendar.

calendar,vb.1. To place an important event on a calendar, esp. so that the event will be

remembered. 2. To place a case on a calendar.

[Blacks Law 8th]