animus (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s). [Latin] 1. Ill will; animosity.

class-based  animus.A  prejudicial  disposition  toward  a  discernible,  usu.  constitutionally

protected,  group  of  persons.  •  A  class-based  animus  is  an  essential  element  of  a  civil-rights

conspiracy  case. [Cases:  Civil Rights    1033(1),  1137.  C.J.S. Civil Rights §§  18, 20,  23–24,  34,


2.  Intention.  •  All  the  following  Latin  “animus”  phrases  have  analogous  adverbial  forms

beginning with “animo” (the definition merely needing “with” at the outset). For example, animo

furandi means “with the intention to steal,” animo testandi means “with testamentary intention,”

animus  adimendi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  ad-i-men-dI).  [Latin]  The  intention  to

animus  belligerendi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  b<<schwa>>-lij-<<schwa>>-ren-d  I).

[Latin] The intention to wage war.

animus  cancellandi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  kan-s<<schwa>>-lan-dI).  [Latin]  The

intention to cancel. • This phrase usu. refers to a will.

animus capiendi (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s kap-ee-en-dI). [Latin] The intention to take

or capture.

animus     contrahentium     (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s     kon-tr<<schwa>>-hen-shee-<<

schwa>>m). [Latin] The intention of the contracting parties.

animus   dedicandi   (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s   ded-<<schwa>>-kan-dI).   [Latin]   The

intention to donate or dedicate.

animus  defamandi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  def-<<schwa>>-man-dI).  [Latin]   The

intention to defame. [Cases: Libel and Slander    2. C.J.S. Libel and Slander; Injurious Falsehood §


animus   derelinquendi   (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s   dee-rel-ing-kwen-dI).   [Latin]   The

intention to abandon.

animus   deserendi   (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s   des-<<schwa>>-ren-dI).   [Latin]   The

intention to desert (usu. a spouse, child, etc.). [Cases: Divorce    37(3). C.J.S. Divorce § 52.]

animus   differendi   (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s   dif-<<schwa>>-ren-dI).   [Latin]   The

intention to obtain a delay. • The phrase animo differendi (“with the intention to obtain a delay”)

appeared in reference to a presumption that certain actions of a defendant were designed to obtain

a delay. A

animus domini (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s dom-<<schwa>>-nI). [Latin] Roman law. The

intent to exercise dominion over a thing; the intent to own something. Cf. animus possidendi.

“All possession has two elements, a physical and a mental, which the Romans distinguish as

corpus and animus. The first is the physical relation of the possessor to the object. The second is

his sense  of  that  relation.  If  he  is  minded  to  deal  with  the  thing  as  his  own  (animus  domini —

animus  sibi  habendi),  no  matter  whether  rightfully  or  wrongfully,  he  possesses  in  the  fullest

sense.” R.W. Lee, The Elements of Roman Law 179–80 (4th ed. 1956).

animus   donandi   (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s   doh-nan-dI).   [Latin]   The   intention   of

donating; the intention to give. [Cases: Gifts    15.]

animus  et  factum  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  et  fak-t<<schwa>>m).  [Latin  “mind  and

deed”] The intention and the deed. • This phrase can refer to a person’s intent to reside in a given

country permanently or for an inde-finite period.

animus   felonicus   (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s   fe-loh-ni-k<<schwa>>s).   [Latin]   The

intention to commit a felony. [Cases: Criminal Law    20. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 31–33, 35–39;

Negligence § 913.]

animus furandi (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s fyuu-ran-dI). [Latin] The intention to steal. •

In  Roman  law,  the  focus  was  on  the  unauthorized  use  of  property  rather  than  an  intent  to

permanently deprive the owner of it. [Cases: Larceny    1, 3. C.J.S. Larceny §§ 1(1, 2), 9, 25–29.]

“[An]  intent  to  deprive  the  owner  of  his  property  permanently,  or  an  intent  to  deal  with

another’s  property  un-lawfully  in  such  a  manner  as  to  create  an  obviously  unreasonable  risk  of

permanent deprivation, [is] all that is required to constitute the animus furandi—or intent to steal.”

Rollin M. Perkins & Ronald N. Boyce, Criminal Law 332–33 (3d ed. 1982).

animus gerendi (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s j<<schwa>>-ren-dI). [Latin] The intention to

act as heir.

animus  immiscendi  et  adeundi  hereditatem  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  im-i-sen-d  I  et

ad-ee-<<schwa>>n-dI  h<<schwa>>-red-i-tay-t<<schwa>>m).  [Latin]  The  intention  to  meddle

with and take up a succession.

animus  indorsandi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  in-dor-san-dI).  [Law  Latin]  Hist.  The

intention  of  indorsing.  •  One  who  indorsed  a  check  animo  indorsandi  would  be  liable  for  the

amount if the check was dishonored.

animus injuriandi (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  in-joor-ee-an-dI).  [Latin]  The  intention  to

injure, esp. to insult.

animus lucrandi (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s loo-kran-dI). [Latin] The intention to make a

gain or profit.

animus malus (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s mal-<<schwa>>s). [Latin] Evil intent.

animus   manendi   (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s   m<<schwa>>-nen-dI).   [Latin   “will   to A

remain”] The intention to remain; the intention to establish a permanent residence. — Also termed

animus remandendi. [Cases: Domicile    4(2). C.J.S. Domicile §§ 11–19, 25–27, 29–34, 37–40.]

animus morandi (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s m<<schwa>>-ran-dI). [Latin “will to tarry”]

The intention to remain. • Although animus morandi is broadly synonymous with animus manendi,

morandi suggests less per-manency.

animus nocendi (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s noh-sen-dI). [Latin] The intention to harm.

animus  obligandi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  ahb-li-gan-dI).  [Latin]  The  intention  to

enter into an obligation.

animus  occidendi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  ahk-si-den-dI).  [Latin]  The  intention  to

animus possidendi (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s pah-s<<schwa>>-den-dI). [Latin] Roman

law. The intent to possess a thing. Cf. animus domini.

animus quo (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s kwoh). [Latin] The intent with which; motive.

animus  recipiendi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  ri-sip-ee-en-dI).  [Latin]  The  intention  to

animus  recuperandi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  ri-k[y]oo-p<<schwa>>-ran-dI).  [Latin]

The intention to recover.

animus  remanendi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  rem-<<schwa>>-nen-dI).   [Latin]   See

animus manendi.

animus  republicandi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  ree-pub-l<<schwa>>-kan-dI).  [Latin]

The intention to republish.

animus  restituendi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  r<<schwa>>-sti-tyoo-en-dI).  [Latin]  The

intention to restore.

animus  revertendi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  ree-v<<schwa>>r-ten-dI).  [Latin]  The

intention  to  return  (to  a  place).  •  In  Roman  law,  this  intent  was  a  factor  in  deciding  whether

animals, such as doves and bees, remained in a person’s ownership.

animus  revocandi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  rev-oh-kan-dI).  [Latin]  The  intention  to

revoke  (a  will)  <her  destruction  of  the  will  indicated  that  she  had  animus  revocandi>.  [Cases:

Wills    170. C.J.S. Wills §§ 390, 393, 413–414.]

animus  signandi  (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s  sig-nan-dI).  [Latin]  The  intention  to  sign.

[Cases: Wills    72. C.J.S. Wills §§ 169–170.]

animus testandi (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s tes-tan-dI). [Latin] Testamentary intention.

animus   ulciscendi   (an-<<schwa>>-m<<schwa>>s   <<schwa>>l-si-sen-dI).   [Latin]   The

intention to take revenge. [Blacks Law 8th]