anarchy,n.1. Absence of government; lawlessness. 2. A sociopolitical theory holding that the

only legitimate form of government is one under which individuals govern themselves voluntarily,

free from any collective power structure enforcing compliance with social order. — anarchic,adj.

criminal anarchy.A doctrine advocating the  overthrow  of organized  government by force  or

violence,  by  assas-sinating  a  head  of  government,  or  by  some  other  unlawful  act. • Most  states

have  laws  limiting  speech  that  incites  criminal  anarchy.  The  laws  do  not  apply  to  abstract

philosophical expressions or predictions or like expressions protected by the First and Fourteenth

Amendments.  Criminal-anarchy  statutes  (e.g.,  18  USCA  §  2385)  apply  only  to  speech  that  is

calculated to induce forceful and violent activity, such as attempts to incite people to riot, or that

otherwise generates some “clear and present danger” that the advocated violent overthrow may be

attempted or accomplished. See Gitlow v. New York, 268 U.S. 652, 666, 45 S.Ct. 625, 630 (1925). [Blacks Law 8th]