Americans  with  Disabilities  Act.A  federal  statute  that  prohibits  discrimination  —  in

employment, public services, and public accommodations — against any person with a disability

(“a  physical  or  mental  impairment  that  substantially  limits  one  or  more  of  the  major  life

activities”).42 USCA §§ 12101–12213. • Under the ADA, major life activities include any activity

that an average  person in the  general population  can  perform  with little  or  no  difficulty, such as

seeing,  hearing,  sleeping,  eating,  walking,  traveling,  and  working.  The  statute  applies  to  both

private and governmental entities, but not to a private employer having fewer than 15 employees.

42  USCA  §  12111(5)(A). —  Abbr.  ADA.  See  DISABILITY.  [Cases:  Civil Rights    1016,  1053,

1215. C.J.S. Civil Rights §§ 2, 6–7, 9–10, 19, 21, 61, 85.] [Blacks Law 8th]