alternative dispute resolution.A procedure for settling a dispute by means other than litigation,
such as arbitra-tion or mediation. — Abbr. ADR. — Also termed dispute resolution. See
ARBITRATION; MEDIATION. [Cases: Arbitration 1. C.J.S. Arbitration §§ 2–3.]
“ADR can be defined as encompassing all legally permitted processes of dispute resolution
other than litigation. While this definition (or something like it) is widely used, ADR proponents
may object to it on the ground that it privileges litigation by giving the impression that litigation is
the normal or standard process of dispute resolution, while alternative processes are aberrant or
deviant. That impression is false. Litigation is a relatively rarely used process of dispute resolution.
Alternative processes, especially negotiation, are used far more frequently. Even disputes
involving lawyers are resolved by negotiation far more often than litigation. So ADR is not
defined as everything-but-litigation because litigation is the norm. Litigation is not the norm. ADR
is defined as every-thing-but-litigation because litigation, as a matter of law, is the default process
of dispute resolution.” Stephen J. Ware, Alternative Dispute Resolution § 1.5, at 5–6 (2001). [Blacks Law 8th]