alluvion (<<schwa>>-loo-vee-<<schwa>>n). [fr. Latin alluvio “flood”] Roman & civil law. 1.

Strictly, the flow or wash of water against a shore or riverbank. 2. An accumulation of soil, clay, or

other material deposited by water; esp., in land law, an addition of land caused by the buildup of

deposits from running water, the added land then belonging to the owner of the property to which

it  is  added.  —  Also  termed  alluvium.  3.Louisiana  law.  An  accumulation  of  soil,  clay,  or  other

material deposited on the bank of a river. • In Louisiana, lands formed on a seashore or the bank of

a  navigable  lake  are  not  alluvion.  They  belong  to  the  state  rather  than  the  riparian  owners.  Cf.

ACCRETION(1);  AVULSION(2);  DELICTION;  EROSION.  [Cases:  Navigable  Waters    44;

Waters and Water Courses    93. C.J.S. Navigable Waters § 94; Waters §§ 177–182, 184–185.] —

alluvial,adj. — allu-viate,vb. — alluviation,n. [Blacks Law 8th]