alioqui  successurus  (ay-lee-oh-kwI  s<<schwa>>k-ses-<<schwa>>-r<<schwa>>s).  [Latin]

Hist. (Of an heir) otherwise entitled to succeed. • The phrase appeared in reference to an heir who

would have succeeded to the property by law, even without a deed granting succession rights. —

Also spelled alioquin successurus.

“In the general case, an heir who succeeds to an estate, incurs by his succession liability for

the debts and obli-gations of his ancestor …. But if the heir succeeding to the estate can take it up

in a different character from that of  heir of the last proprietor, if  he be alioqui successurus, such

liability is not incurred.” John Trayner, Trayner’s Latin Maxims 38 (4th ed. 1894). [Blacks Law 8th]