aid  and  comfort.Help  given  by  someone  to  a  national  enemy  in  such  a  way  that  the  help

amounts to treason. [Cases: Treason    6. C.J.S. Treason § 8.]

“Aid  and  comfort  may  be  given  in  various ways, such  as  buying  a  vessel and  fitting  it for

service  in  aid  of  the  enemy,  delivering  prisoners  and  deserters  to  the  enemy,  or  selling  critical

materials with  knowledge  of  the  fact that  the  purchaser  buys them  to  use  in  the  manufacture of

gunpowder for the enemy, or  otherwise to aid  him in  his prosecution  of the war. And the  courts

have given short shrift to the claim that such a sale was not intended to aid the enemy but only to

make a profit.” Rollin M. Perkins & Ronald N. Boyce, Criminal Law 502 (3d ed. 1982).

aid  and  comfort.Help  given  by  someone  to  a  national  enemy  in  such  a  way  that  the  help

amounts to treason. [Cases: Treason    6. C.J.S. Treason § 8.]

“Aid  and  comfort  may  be  given  in  various ways, such  as  buying  a  vessel and  fitting  it for

service  in  aid  of  the  enemy,  delivering  prisoners  and  deserters  to  the  enemy,  or  selling  critical

materials with  knowledge  of  the  fact that  the  purchaser  buys them  to  use  in  the  manufacture of

gunpowder for the enemy, or  otherwise to aid  him in  his prosecution  of the war. And the  courts

have given short shrift to the claim that such a sale was not intended to aid the enemy but only to

make a profit.” Rollin M. Perkins & Ronald N. Boyce, Criminal Law 502 (3d ed. 1982). [Blacks Law 8th]