agnatus (ag-nay-t<<schwa>>s), n.[Latin] Roman law. A person related through the male line.


“[Agnati were] all individuals subject for the time being to the same patria potestas, or who

would be so subject were the common ancestor alive. Brothers and sisters, with their uncles, aunts,

nephews, nieces, and  other colla-terals (not having been  received into another family), if related

through males, were agnates. The civil issue of the state was the Agnatic Family. Cognates were

all persons who could trace their blood to a single ancestor or an-cestress, and agnates were those

cognates  who  traced  their  connection exclusively  through  males.”  John  Bouvier,  Bouvier’s  Law

Dictionary (8th ed. 1914). [Blacks Law 8th]