administration,n.1. The management or performance of the executive duties of a government,

institution, or business. 2. In public law, the practical management and direction of the executive

department and its agencies. [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure    301–513. C.J.S. Public

Administrative  Law and Procedure §§ 49–171.] 3. A judicial action in  which a court  undertakes

the management and distribution of property. • Examples include the administration of a trust, the

liquidation  of  a  company,  and  the  realization  and  distribution  of  a  bankrupt  estate.  See  JOINT

ADMINISTRATION. 4. The management and settlement of the estate of an intestate decedent, or

of  a  testator  who  has  no  executor,  by  a  person  legally  appointed  and  supervised  by  the  court.  •

Administration  of  an  estate  involves  realizing  the  movable  assets  and  paying  out  of  them  any

debts  and  other  claims  against  the  estate.  It  also  involves  the  division  and  distribution  of  what

remains. [Cases:  Executors  and  Administrators    1–516. C.J.S. Executors  and  Administrators  §§

2–98,  100–181,  183–877,  879–899,  935–966;  Parent  and  Child  §  259;  Wills  §  157.]  —

administer,vb. — administrative,adj.

administration   cum   testamento   annexo   (k<<schwa>>m   tes-t<<schwa>>-men-toh   <<

schwa>>-nek-soh). [Latin “with the will annexed”] An administration granted when (1) a testator’s

will does not name any executor or when the executor named is incompetent to act, is deceased, or

refuses to act, and (2) no successor executor has been named or is qualified to serve. — Abbr. c.t.a.

— Also termed administration with the will annexed. [Cases: Ex-ecutors and Administrators    21.

C.J.S. Executors and Administrators §§ 947–948.]

administration  de  bonis non  (dee  boh-nis non).  [Latin  “of  the  goods  not administered”]  An

administration granted for the purpose of settling the remainder of an intestate estate that was not

administered  by  the  former  administrator.  —  Abbr.  d.b.n.  [Cases:  Executors  and  Administrators

37. C.J.S. Executors and Administrators §§ 935–936, 946.]

administration  de  bonis  non  cum  testamento  annexo  (de  boh-nis  non  k<<schwa>>m

tes-t<<schwa>>-men-toh <<schwa>>-nek-soh). An administration granted to settle the remainder

of a testate estate not settled by a previous administrator or executor. • This type of administration

arises when there is a valid will, as opposed to an administration de bonis non, which is granted

when there is no will. — Abbr. d.b.n.c.t.a.

administration durante absentia (d[y]uu-ran-tee ab-sen-shee-<<schwa>>). An administration

granted  during  the  absence  of  either  the  executor  or  the  person  who  has  precedence  as

administration durante minore aetate (d[y]uu-ran-tee mi-nor-ee ee-tay-tee). An administration

granted  during  the  minority  of  either  a  child  executor  or  the  person  who  has  precedence  as

administration  pendente  lite  (pen-den-tee  lI-tee).  An  administration  granted  during  the

pendency  of  a  suit  con-cerning  a  will’s  validity.  —  Also  termed  pendente  lite  administration;

special administration. See PENDENTE LITE. [Cases: Executors and Administrators    22. C.J.S.

Executors and Administrators §§ 951–952, 954–956.]

administration with the will annexed.See administration cum testamento annexo.

ancillary  administration  (an-s<<schwa>>-ler-ee).  An  administration  that  is  auxiliary  to  the

administration at the place of the decedent’s domicile, such as one in another state. • The purpose

of this process is to collect assets, to transfer and record changed title to real property located there,

and to pay any debts in that locality. — Also termed foreign administration. [Cases: Executors and

Administrators    518–526. C.J.S. Executors and Ad-ministrators §§ 916–935.]

“The  object  of  ancillary  administration  is  to  collect  assets  of  nonresident  decedents  found

within the state and remit the proceeds to the domiciliary executor or administrator…. One of the

principal  purposes  of  ancillary  ad-ministration  is  to  protect  local  creditors  of  nonresident

decedents by  collecting  and  preserving  local  assets for  their  benefit.”  31  Am.  Jur.  2d  Executors

and Administrators §§ 1057–1058, at 686 (2002).

caeterorum  administration  (set-<<schwa>>-ror-<<schwa>>m).  [Latin  “of  the  rest”]  An

administration granted when limited powers previously granted to an administrator are inadequate

to settle the estate’s residue.

domiciliary  administration  (dom-<<schwa>>-sil-ee-er-ee).  The  handling  of  an  estate  in  the

state where the de-cedent was domiciled at death.

foreign administration.See ancillary administration.

general  administration.An  administration  with  authority  to  deal  with  an  entire  estate.  Cf.

special administration.

limited  administration.An  administration  for  a  temporary  period  or  for  a  special  purpose.

[Cases:  Executors  and  Administrators    22.  C.J.S.  Executors  and  Administrators  §§  951–952,


original administration.An administration that is not ancillary to a domiciliary administration.

pendente lite administration.See administration pendente lite.

public  administration.In  some  jurisdictions,  an  administration  by  an  officer  appointed  to

administer for an intestate who has left no person entitled to apply for letters (or whose possible

representatives refuse to serve). [Cases: Executors and Administrators    24.]

special  administration.  1.  An  administration  with  authority  to  deal  with  only  some  of  a

decedent’s property, as opposed to administering the whole estate. 2. See administration pendente

lite. Cf.  general administration. [Cases: Executors and Administrators    22. C.J.S. Executors and

Administrators §§ 951–952, 954–956.]

temporary  administration.An  administration  in  which  the  court  appoints  a  fiduciary  to

administer the affairs of a decedent’s estate for a short time before an administrator or executor can

be  appointed  and  qualified.  [Cases:  Executors  and  Administrators    22.  C.J.S.  Executors  and

Administrators §§ 951–952, 954–956.] [Blacks Law 8th]