acte (akt), n.[French] French law. 1. An instrument; a proof in writing, such as a deed, bill of
sale, or birth cer-tificate.
acte authentique (akt oh-tawn-teek). A deed executed with certain prescribed formalities, in
the presence of a notary or other official.
acte de décès (akt d<<schwa>> day-say). A death certificate.
acte de francisation (akt d<<schwa>> frangk-<<schwa>>-za-syawn). A certificate confirming
that a ship is of French nationality.
acte de mariage (akt d<<schwa>> mar-yahzh). A marriage certificate.
acte de naissance (akt d<<schwa>> nay-s<<schwa>>nts). A birth certificate.
acte de notoriété.A deposition made before a notary to record and preserve a claim, usu. to
property. • Historically, most actes de notoriété were conducted to establish the identity and
genealogy of a purported heir. The deposi-tions were subject to exclusion as hearsay. But an acte
de notoriété may also appear in a chain of title. See United States v. Repentigny, 72 U.S. 211
acte extrajudiciaire (akt eks-tr<<schwa>>-zhuu-dee-syair). A document served by a huissier
at the request of one party on another party without legal proceedings. See HUISSIER(1).
l’acte de l’état civil (lakt d<<schwa>> lay-tah see-veel). A public document relating to status
(e.g., birth, divorce, death).
2. An act; conduct.
acte d’héritier (akt day-ri-tyay). [French “act of an heir”] Conduct by an heir indicating an
intent to accept the succession. [Blacks Law 8th]