homicidium (hom-<<schwa>>-sI-dee-<<schwa>>m), n.[Latin “felling of a person”] Homicide.
homicidium ex casu (eks kay-s[y]oo). Homicide by accident. See ACCIDENTAL KILLING.
homicidium ex justitia (eks j<<schwa>>s-tish-ee-<<schwa>>). Homicide in the administration of justice, or in the carrying out of a legal sentence. See justifiable homicide (2) under HOMICIDE.
homicidium ex necessitate (eks n<<schwa>>-ses-i-tay-tee). Homicide from inevitable necessity, such as for the protection of one’s person or property. See justifiable homicide (1) under HOMICIDE.
homicidium ex voluntate (eks vol-<<schwa>>n-tay-tee). Voluntary or willful homicide. See
criminal homicide under HOMICIDE.
homicidium in rixa (in rik-s<<schwa>>). [Law Latin] Scots law. Homicide committed in the course of a brawl.
“Homicidium in rixa …. Such crime amounts only to culpable homicide, and the punishment being in the discretion of the judge, varies according to the particular circumstances of each case. It is not punished capitally, because this crime lacks the previous malice essential to the crime of murder.” John Trayner, Trayner’s Latin Maxims 244 (4th ed. 1894).
[Blacks Law 8th]