record,n.1. A documentary account of past events, usu. designed to memorialize those events.

  1. Information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that, having been stored in an electronic

or other medium, is retrievable in perceivable form. UCC § 5-102(14). 3.MINUTES(2).4. The

official report of the proceedings in a case, including the filed papers, a verbatim transcript of the

trial or hearing (if any), and tangible exhibits. — Also termed (in some jurisdictions) clerk’s record;

(in BrE) bundle. See DOCKET(1). [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 676; Appeal and

Error 493–717. C.J.S. Appeal and Error §§ 440–460, 476–577, 727; Justices of the Peace § 236;

Public Administrative Law and Procedure §§ 197–198, 218–219.]

defective record. 1. A trial record that fails to conform to requirements of appellate rules.

[Cases: Appeal and Error 634–645; Criminal Law 1109; Federal Courts 698. C.J.S. Appeal

and Error §§ 535–538, 540–541, 548.] 2. A flawed real-estate title resulting from a defect on the

property’s record in the registry of deeds. [Cases: Vendor and Purchaser 231(6). C.J.S. Vendor

and Purchaser §§ 503–504.]

public record.A record that a governmental unit is required by law to keep, such as land deeds

kept at a county courthouse. • Public records are generally open to view by the public. Cf. public

document under DOCUMENT. [Cases: Records 1, 30, 54. C.J.S. Records §§ 2, 60, 62–63, 65,

93, 95, 99–100, 103–104.]

reporter’s record.In some jurisdictions, a trial transcript. — Also termed stenographer’s


silent record.Criminal procedure. A record that fails to disclose that a defendant voluntarily

and knowingly entered a plea, waived a right to counsel, or took any other action affecting his or

her rights. [Cases: Criminal Law 1144.1–1144.20.]

stenographer’s record.See reporter’s record. [Blacks Law 8th]