bias,n. Inclination; prejudice; predilection <the juror’s bias prompted a challenge for cause>. — bias,vb. — biased,adj.

actual bias.Genuine prejudice that a judge, juror, witness, or other person has against some

person or relevant subject. Cf. implied bias.

implied bias.Prejudice that is inferred from the experiences or relationships of a judge, juror,

witness, or other person. — Also termed presumed bias. Cf. actual bias.

judicial bias.A judge’s bias toward one or more of the parties to a case over which the judge presides. • Judicial bias is usu. insufficient to justify disqualifying a judge from presiding over a case. To justify disqualification or recusal, the judge’s bias usu. must be personal or based on some extrajudicial reason. [Cases: Judges  49. C.J.S. Judges § 108.][Blacks Law 8th]