avulsion   (<<schwa>>-v<<schwa>>l-sh<<schwa>>n),   n.1.   A   forcible   detachment   or

separation. 2. A sudden removal of land caused by change in a river’s course or by flood. • Land

removed   by   avulsion   remains   the   property   of   the   original   owner.   Cf.   ALLUVION;

ACCRETION(1);  DELICTION;  EROSION.  3.  A  tearing  away  of  a  body  part  surgically  or

accidentally.  [Cases:  Navigable  Waters    45;  Waters  and  Water  Courses    94.  C.J.S.  Navigable

Waters §§ 100, 111; Waters §§ 176, 183.] — avulse,vb.[Blacks Law 8th]