assumpsit (<<schwa>>-s<<schwa>>m[p]-sit). [Law Latin “he undertook”] 1. An express or

implied promise, not under seal, by which one person undertakes to do some act or pay something

to another <an assumpsit to pay a debt>.2. A common-law action for breach of such a promise or

for breach of a contract < the creditor’s assumpsit against the debtor>. [Cases: Assumpsit, Action

of    1. C.J.S. Assumpsit, Action of §§ 2, 4–6.]

“It  was  early  known  as  ‘trespass  on  the  case  upon  promises,’  but  in  time  came  to  be

designated assumpsit (he assumed or promised), and lies for damages for breach of all contracts,

parol  or  simple,  whether  written  or  verbal,  express  or  implied.”  Edwin  E.  Bryant,  The  Law  of

Pleading Under the Codes of Civil Procedure 9–10 (2d ed. 1899).

“In its origin an action of tort, [assumpsit] was soon transformed into an action of contract,

becoming afterwards a remedy where there was neither tort nor contract. Based at first only upon

an  express  promise,  it  was  afterwards  supported  upon  an  implied  promise,  and  even  upon  a

fictitious promise. Introduced as a special manifestation of the action on the case, it soon acquired

the dignity of a distinct form of action, which superseded Debt, became concurrent with Account,

with  Case  upon  a  bailment, a  warranty,  and  bills of  exchange,  and  competed  with  Equity  in  the

case of the essentially equitable quasi-contracts growing out of the principle of unjust enrichment.

Surely,   it   would   be   hard   to   find   a   better   illustration   of   the   flexibility   and   power   of

self-development  of  the  Common  Law.”  James  Barr  Ames,  “The  History  of  Assumpsit,”  in  3

Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History 298 (1909).

general assumpsit.An action based on the defendant’s breach of an implied promise to pay a

debt to the plaintiff. — Also termed common assumpsit; indebitatus assumpsit. [Cases: Assumpsit,

Action of    7. C.J.S. Assumpsit, Action of § 10.]

“General  assumpsit  is  brought  for  breach  of  a  fictitious  or  implied  promise  raised  by  law

from  a  debt  founded  upon  an  executed  consideration.  The  basis  of  the  action  is  the  promise

implied  by  law  from  the  performance  of  the  consideration,  or  from  a  debt  or  legal  duty resting

upon  the  defendant.”  Benjamin  J.  Shipman,  Handbook  of  Common-Law  Pleading  §  59,  at  153

(Henry Winthrop Ballantine ed., 3d ed. 1923).

“[T]he word ‘assumpsit’ suggest[s] the making of a promise. While that is true in the case of

the action of special assumpsit, the promise alleged in the action of general assumpsit was only a

fiction.  Accordingly  in  the  latter  action,  the  word  ‘assumpsit’  no  more  means that  an  obligation

exists as the result of making a contract, than that a contract is involved because the obligation is

described as quasi-contractual.” Charles Herman Kinnane, A First Book on Anglo-American Law

633–34 (2d ed. 1952).

indebitatus  assumpsit  (in-deb-i-tay-t<<schwa>>s  <<schwa>>-s<<schwa>>m[p]-sit).  [Latin

“being  indebted,  he  undertook”]  1.Hist.  A  form  of  action  in  which  the  plaintiff  alleges  that  the

defendant  contracted  a  debt and,  as  consideration,  had  undertaken  (i.e.,  promised)  to  pay.  •  The

action was equivalent to the common-law action for debt (an action based on a sealed instrument),

but could be used to enforce an oral debt. In England, indebitatus assumpsit was abolished in 1873

by  the  Judicature  Act.  But  it  is  still  used  in  several  American  states,  such  as  California.  See

CONCESSIT SOLVERE. 2. See general assumpsit.

“[I]f I verbally agree to pay a man a certain price for a certain parcel of goods, and fail in the

performance, an action of debt lies against me; for this is a determinate contract: but if I agree for

no settled price, I am not liable to an action of debt, but a special action on the case, according to

the  nature of  my contract. And indeed actions of  debt are now seldom brought but upon special

contracts under seal …. [T]he plaintiff must recover the whole debt he claims, or nothing at all. For

the  debt  is  one  single  cause  of  action,  fixed  and  determined;  and  which  therefore,  if  the  proof

varies from the claim, cannot be looked upon as the same … action of debt …. But in an action on

the  case,  on  what  is  called  an  indebitatus  assumpsit,  which  is  not  brought  to  compel  a  specific

performance  of  the  contract,  but  to  recover  damages  for  its  non-performance,  the  implied

assumpsit, and  consequently  the  damages  for  the  breach  of  it, are  in  their  nature indeterminate;

and will therefore adapt and proportion themselves to the truth of the case which shall be proved,

without being  confined  to  the  precise  demand  stated  in  the  declaration.”  3  William  Blackstone,

Commentaries on the Laws of England 154 (1768).

special assumpsit.An action based on the defendant’s breach of an express contract. — Also

termed express assumpsit. [Cases: Assumpsit, Action of    6. C.J.S. Assumpsit, Action of § 4.]

“Special assumpsit lies for the recovery of damages for the breach of simple contract, either

express or implied in fact. The term ‘special contract’ is often used to denote an express or explicit

contract  as  contrasted  with  a  promise  implied  in  law.”  Benjamin  J.  Shipman,  Handbook  of

Common-Law Pleading § 58, at 148 (Henry Winthrop Bal-lantine ed., 3d ed. 1923).

“From  the  allegations  concerning  the  ‘assumpsit,’  a  new  action  which  split  off  from  the

action on the case came to be known as the action of assumpsit. Since, however, the plaintiff had

to allege and prove a specific or special promise, in order to get a judgment, the action came to be

known as the action of ‘special assumpsit.’ When the special promise came to be regarded as the

basis of the action, the action came to be regarded as a contract action, rather than one based on

unclassified ‘wrongs.’ ” Charles Herman Kinnane, A First Book on Anglo-American Law 633–34

(2d ed. 1952).[Blacks Law 8th]