agenda. A list of things to be done, as items to be considered at a meeting, usu. arranged in
order of consideration. — Also termed calendar; calendar of business; order of business. Cf.
consent agenda.See consent calendar under CALENDAR(4).
debate agenda.See debate calendar under CALENDAR(4).
final agenda.An agenda that a deliberative assembly has adopted, or that has been adopted for
a deliberative assembly by an officer or board charged with setting such an agenda.
proposed agenda.An agenda offered, usu. with the notice calling the meeting that the agenda
covers, for a deli-berative assembly’s consideration. — Also termed tentative agenda.
report agenda.See report calendar under CALENDAR(4).
special-order agenda.See special-order calendar under CALENDAR(4).
tentative agenda.See proposed agenda.
unanimous-consent agenda.See consent calendar under CALENDAR(4). [Blacks Law 8th]