drawing. 1.Patents. A specially prepared figure included with a patent application to explain
and describe the invention. • A drawing is required when necessary to understand the invention. 35
USCA § 113. [Cases: Patents 100. C.J.S. Patents § 143.] 2.Trademarks. A graphic or textual
depiction of a trademark, filed as part of an application for the mark to be placed on the primary
register. • The drawing serves as the element that is published in the Official Gazette. It must
include the applicant’s name and address, the type of goods or services it will identify, and the date
of first use or a statement of intent to use it in commerce. [Cases: Trade Regulation 212. C.J.S.
Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition §§ 176–177.][Blacks Law 8th]
formal drawing.A drawing that complies with the formatting requirements of the U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office, as set forth in 37 CFR § 1.84, and is stamped “Approved” by the PTO
Drafter. Cf. informal drawing.
front-page drawing.A drawing submitted with the patent application and selected by the
examiner as the application’s representative drawing. • The drawing is reproduced on the front
page of the published application or patent. [Cases: Patents 100. C.J.S. Patents § 143.]
informal drawing.A drawing that does not comply with the formatting requirements of the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. • A drawing may be submitted as informal by the patent
applicant, or declared informal by the PTO Drafter. Cf. formal drawing.
original drawing.A drawing submitted with the original application.
special-form drawing.A drawing of a trademark that contains some graphical element, such
as a logo, a picture, or a special type style. • A stylized or special-form drawing must be submitted
in black-and-white, with a description of the colors to be used on the final mark. — Also termed
stylized drawing.
substitute drawing.A drawing submitted after the original application has been filed. • A
substitute drawing is often a formal drawing filed to replace an informal drawing.
typed drawing.A drawing of a trademark that is purely textual, with no graphical component.
• A typed drawing consists solely of the words, letters, and numbers that make up the mark, typed
in all capitals. — Also termed typed-form drawing. [Blacks Law 8th]